Naše putovanje u Rokiškis – Comenius


Treći susret s našim prijateljima s projekta World Heritage Amazing Treasures bio je zakazan za ovaj svibanj – no pripreme za njega počele su puno ranije – praktički još dok smo bili u Turskoj.

Naime, posebnost litvanske etape bila je u tome da se, osim za druženje i posjete čudesnoj baštini trebalo pripremiti i za simulaciju rada Europskog parlamenta koju smo održali u školi naših domaćina Rokiškio Juozo Tūbelio progimnazija uz vodstvo predstavnika litvanskog Europskog doma.

Zato su učenici zainteresirani za učestvovanje na ovom putovanju morali organizirati pravu pravcatu kampanju i lobirati među svojim kolegama jer se mjesto u ekipi moglo izboriti samo prolazeći kroz demokratsku proceduru kandidature, obraćanja biračima (tijekom posebno organiziranog izbornog skupa organiziranog u našoj Podmornici) i konačnog prebrojavanja dobivenih glasova.

Nakon izbora, učenici su prionuli učenju i pripremama – trebalo je istražiti i predstaviti svojim kolegama suputnicima osnovne informacije o Litvi, jeziku, hrani, zaštićenoj baštini, ali i istražiti teme o kojima će se raspravljati na simulaciji rada EU parlamenta. A nikako nismo smjeli zaboraviti niti ubrzani tečaj rada s kamerom kako se po povratku njihovi snimljeni materijali mogli montirati u kvalitetan dokumnetarni film o ovom dijelu putovanja

Tako su Aneta, Ivana, Tin i Josip osvanuli na letu za Rigu, odakle smo se autobusom odvezli do simpatičnog gradića Rokiškisa u susjednoj Litvi.

Kako je tamo bilo lijepo je opisala Aneta Horvath u svom tekstu za blog:

I had a great opportunity to meet new people, find out something about the culture of Lithuania and its residents, visit many beautiful natural sites (for example, the Curonian Spit) and so on. I had really been looking forward to participating in that Comenius project because it provides students with extraordinary experiences.

One of the things about this project I liked the most was the fact that we did not sleep in hotels but we were guests in their families. Each student was hosted by one family. It was really nice because Lithuanian people seemed (and really are) very nice and friendly. Personally, I went home with a heart full of warmth. The family who hosted me was really special. I truly felt like at home. My young host (3 years younger than me) sent me messages before I even came to their country. We really became good friends.

We spent the week in the town of Rokiškis doing various activities. Every day we used to go to Rokiškis Primary School and have many interactive programs there. We even had a simulation of The European Parliament, for which I’d been preparing with my colleagues and teachers in Zagreb. I liked that idea because we got a chance to learn some specialised English vocabulary used when speaking in a parliament. We visited the palace of Rokiškis mayor, the Rokiškis Lake and all other sites of that small but cute Lithuanian town. The day before the last we spent having free time at our hosts’ homes, so I keep those hours in my heart because it was very special for me. My host Dovile promised me to go riding bikes so the whole family and I went on a beautiful ride. We were riding through an extremely peaceful and relaxed countryside, and I was completely stunned by how perfect everything seemed.

All in all, I`ve found this Comenius project a great life experience which I will always treasure.

Film se već montira, a mi odmah krećemo sa žestokim pripremama – kad se vidimo sljedeći put s našim prijateljima bit će to u Zagrebu!