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Celebrating passion for English …
Zagreb, 04. -05. 04. 2020.
Razmišljajmo održivo! – Let’s think sustainably!
Rok za prijavu 29/02/2020 Registration deadline
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Zašto English All Around?
Privatna umjetnička gimnazija i ove godine nastavlja organizirati festival English all around – Celebrating passion for English. Iskustvo učeničkog sudjelovanja na natjecanju, učenja i druženja želimo osnažiti i promicati kako bi i nove generacije mogle pokazati sve svoje talente, znanja, sposobnosti i vještine na engleskom jeziku te maksimalno uživati učeći i upoznajući svoje vršnjake iz cijele Hrvatske.
Svi učenici osnovnih i srednjih škola mogu sudjelovati u bilo kojem od ponuđenih izazova: Film, Glazba, Priča, Drama, Izlaganje, Govorenje i Sricanje.
Why English All Around?
Private High School for Arts also this year continues to organize the festival English All around – Celebrating passion for English. We want to strengthen and promote the students’ experience to learn and interact with their peers as well as the judges. That is why English All Around has been created – to enable new generations to show their talents, knowledge and skills in the English language, fully enjoying learning while spending time with their peers from all over Croatia.
All primary and secondary school students can participate in any of the following challenges: Movie, Music, Story, Drama, Presentation, Speaking, and Spelling.
Zašto Privatna umjetnička gimnazija kao organizator?
Nakon višegodišnjeg sudjelovanja na natjecanju Engleski u akciji rastužila nas je vijest da se natjecanje odgađa na neodređeno vrijeme. Naši su učenici uvijek vrlo zainteresirani za prilike da pokažu svoju kreativnost i vještine, a smatrali smo da je potrebno očuvati manifestaciju koja će učenicima osnovnih i srednjih škola omogućiti uživanje u engleskome jeziku i pokazivanje svojih radova kao krunu talenta i truda u nastavi i izvan nje.
Bili smo oduševljeni lavinom pozitivnih komentara koje smo dobili kao povratne informacije već nakon prvoga festivala 2017. godine. 33 škole i ukupno više od 300 sudionika ostavili su u nama osjećaj da se sav uloženi trud i više nego isplatio. Stoga, odluku o nastavku organizacije Festivala bilo je iznimno lako donijeti. Festival 2018. i 2019. narastao je na više od 500 sudionika, a u 2020. samo nebo nam je granica!
Zahvaljujemo ovom prilikom svima koji pomažu u pripremi i održavanju Festivala!
Why Private High School for Arts as the organiser?
After several years of participating in English in Action competition, we were saddened by the news that the competition was cancelled. Our students have always been interested in showing their creativity and skills, and we thought that it was necessary to continue with a competition that will enable primary and secondary school students enjoy the English language and show their work as a crown of talent and hard work in and out of class.
And we were amazed ourselves with the avalanche of positive feedback we received after our first try in 2017. 32 schools and more than 300 participants overall who left us with a feeling that it was all worth it. After that, deciding that we will continue organizing the festival was so simple. The 2018 and 2019 festivals editions have grown even more – over 500 participants. In 2020, only sky is the limit!
We hereby thank everyone for helping us with our Festival!
Zašto “Razmišljajmo održivo” kao ovogodišnja tema?
“Održivi razvoj” je sintagma koja se iz dana u dan sve češće čuje kako u medijima, tako i na stručnim skupovima, svakodnevnom govoru, a na kraju – to je i jedna od međupredmetnih tema obavezna u svim školama u Hrvatskoj.
Želimo potaknuti učenike na promišljanje pitanja održivog razvoja. Mladi su pokretačka snaga svakog društva te njihovo aktivno sudjelovanje u društvenom životu predstavlja generator razvoja. Za osobni razvoj učenika kao cjelovite osobe važno je da se prema informacijama i znanju odnose kritički te da promišljaju i aktivno se uključuju u održivi razvoj zajednice.
U pripremi radova učenici se trebaju informirati o 17 ciljeva Ujedinjenih naroda za održivi razvoj.
Tema je vrlo široka te pruža učenicima mnogo mogućnosti da se izraze kroz film, glazbu, tekst, predstavu i govor.
Why “Let’s think sustainably!” as the main theme this year?
“Sustainable development” is a phrase that is frequently heard in the media as well as at professional conferences, but also in common daily conversations. Finally, it is one of the cross-curricular topics required in all schools in Croatia.
We want to encourage students to reflect on sustainable development issues. Young people are the driving force of every society and their active participation in social life is a generator of development. It is important for the personal development of students as a whole to be critical of information and knowledge, and to reflect and actively engage in the sustainable development of the community.
While preparing, students should be informed about the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The topic is very broad and provides many opportunities for students to express themselves through film, music, text, drama (play) and speech.
Razmišljajmo održivo! |
Let’s think sustainably! |
Below, you can read some of the elements of this topic, which are spread across the four pillars of sustainable development. However, these elements do not include mandatory guidelines or exhaustive topics that can be discussed on this topic. Students and their mentors are free to cover this topic in whatever creative way they want! |