Signed up schools – Prijavljene škole
Speaking Challenge Topics are here!!!
Primary schools:
1) Technology replacing human is a good thing.
2) Technology contributes to connecting people.
3) We should slow down the technological development.
Secondary schools:
1) If we create AI it would be immoral to turn it off.
2) AI can create art.
3) English is the only language we will need to learn in the future.
- Škole se spremaju za ovaj izazov u skladu s temom Festivala – „Budućnost“.
- Škola može na Festival prijaviti najviše dvoje učenika.
- (…)
- Tri teme za osnovnu školu i tri teme za srednju školu šalju se prijavljenim školama i objavljuju se na internetskoj stranici Festivala i na Facebooku 25. veljače 2019.
- Na Festivalu će se učenici nasumično podijeliti u parove. Zatim će jedan član toga para nasumično izvlačiti jednu od tri tema, a poslije toga drugi član para afirmacijsku ili negativnu stranu.
- Svaki par ima 15 minuta da pripremi svoj govor.
- Debata se odvija kako slijedi:
- Uvodni govor: 2 minute za afirmaciju, 2 minute za negaciju.
- 1. dio: 1 minuta za afirmaciju, 1 minuta za negaciju.
- 2. dio: 1 minuta za afirmaciju, 1 minuta za negaciju.
- Završni govor: 1 minuta za afirmaciju, 1 minuta za negaciju.
- Suci će vrednovati i komentirati svakoga individualnog govornika te naposljetku odabrati pobjednika Izazova govorenja.
- Schools prepare in accordance with the main topic, “Future”.
- The maximum number of speakers each school can send to the Festival in this challenge is two.
- (…)
- There are three specific topics for primary schools and three for secondary schools in this challenge. These topics are sent to all registered schools and are published online at English All Around website and Facebook site on 25 February 2019:
- At the Festival, every student will be randomly assigned an opponent, and after that one member of every pair will draw one of the three topics. Then, the other member of every pair will draw the affirmative or the negative side.
- Every pair then has 15 minutes to prepare for their speech.
- The debate is held as follows:
- Opening speech: 2 minutes for the affirmation, 2 minutes for the negation.
- 1st part: 1 minute for the affirmation, 1 minute for the negation.
- 2nd part: 1 minute for the affirmation, 1 minute for the negation.
- Closing speech: 1 minute for the affirmation, 1 minute for the negation.
- The judges evaluate and comment every individual speech, and chose the winner in the end.